(I don't expect anyone to have answers to these questions, but these are the things I wonder.) When and where does it crash and burn? The Hillsdale people clearly use to their advantage the notion (the fact?) that public education is not working well in this country. The answer therefore must be going back to the good ole days, to the "classics." (Never mind that we libtards use the classics and a lot more -- it's not either/or, but an expansion.) The report card for charter schools in Jax looks terrible. I've read that Jacksonville Classical Academy is operating at about a C after all sorts of inner turmoil. Yet as I hear everyone saying an education in Florida won't be taken seriously elsewhere, U.S. News & WR ranks Florida as the no. 1 state for education (what the hell is going on over there? Is DeSantis running U.S. News these days?) We've heard reports of dorm assignment confusion and other things at New New College. How is it otherwise scoring? Where does their experiment end? These are the things I keep asking myself.

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Perhaps Florida's "no. 1" ranking is based on the amount of media coverage! Florida Education" is the new "Florida Man." But I had not seen that ranking -- what on earth could it really be based on?!

Where does their experiment end? Well, according to Rufo, it doesn't end until the whole system--all the public "institutions" and here more specifically the departments of New College--is virtually unrecognizable. There's a quote from him to that effect in one of the articles from the early days of the "siege on our institutions."

You know--since you so astutely asked me about the importance of the word "siege" here, Tim--that is also the title of one of the far far far right's favorite books. In which civilization is essentially set to be destroyed by white nationalist terrorists, so it's a hell of an association to for Rufo to invoke in reference to his plan for so-called education reforms.

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I have no doubt that's where Rufo thinks it ends. Thankfully, however, the inside of Rufo's head is not the world we live in. Here's the U.S. News Bizarro World rankings: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education

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